
Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Any thoughts on "tag" categories?

They're listed at the bottom of the page.)


  1. I think you should add peoples blogging names as tags. That way you could easily find all posts by a certain person.

    My suggestions

    achievement gap, everyday math, direct instruction, (names of school districts.

    p.s. have you considered adding a sidebar???

  2. oh!

    that's a great idea!

    can't do a sidebar as far as I can tell - I tried

  3. you should change the template to one of the predesigned ones. Then you'll get a sidebar. You could always customize from there. As a bonus, it'll clean up the formating problems.

  4. May I leap to Catherine's defense?

    Maybe it's because I'm getting old and my eyesight isn't what it used to be, but I like both the fact that the text is fluid width and spans the whole screen, and the text size. I really don't care that the sidebar is at the bottom. And surely there's a way in blogger to turn the author's name into a link that will list all that author's articles, isn't there?
