
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

DIY electronics kit

I have no idea whether this thing works or not, but it looks cool.

Full-sized photo here.


  1. I never had the DIY variety, but I had several of the Radio Shack style of electricity hobby kits like these at HobbyTron when I was a kid. I ended up getting my degree in electrical engineering. You never know where your childhood interests may lead.

  2. My son has several of the Electronic Snap Circuits kits that allow you to snape together all sorts of wires and components; no screws or soldering. Everything, including speakers and ICs, snap to a board. There are hundreds of experiments. Kids can quickly see the difference between wiring lights in series versus in parallel. They can build radios and devices that record and play back sound. Highly recommended. It makes messing around with electronics fast and fun.

  3. Hi

    Yes, this thing works! I built it. In deference to the predilections of tween NutLittle, we call them SparkyBlox. It is quite simple to construct, and helps the younger crowd learn basic electric principles. It can be scaled up as kids learn.

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    Please contact me if you wish to host a copy of the image on your server, as that would solve this problem.

