
Friday, March 16, 2007

snow day

This is a photo of the castle across the road from us.

It's not really a castle.

I don't know what it is.

That boxy structure on top of the wall is a turret.

That's all I know.

Larger version here.


  1. Now me, I'd be nervous with a castle and a turret across the street. But only if the guy who lives across my street lived in it.

    Really, if I hadn't spent the last hour shoveling snow, I'd say that's a beautiful view.

  2. lol!

    Christopher shoveled the neighbor's driveway and earned fifteen bucks!

    Our driveway's still snowed in and now it's sleeting.

  3. On a brighter note, I do have my email from the Board threatening legal action!

  4. The entire Board and the entire administration simply needs to resign.

  5. Not to gloat or anything, but today we had 70 degrees with blue skies. The azaleas are in full bloom, and the cyclists are out in force.

    Of course, in three months we will have 98 degrees with 98% humidity...

  6. It's true --- your summers are ROUGH.

    I remember visiting my sister in Katy, TX in August, I think.

    We basically couldn't go outside.

    Plus the mosquitoes drew blood.

    (I'm not exaggerating for all you northernfolk out there.)

  7. We spent HOURS shoveling snow yesterday.

    Each shovelful weighed about 30 lbs.

    Then spent 5 hours all told at Costco/Stew Leonard's purchasing $1000-worth discount groceries & household goods. (Pent-up demand due to weeks of illness.)

    I told Ed, we should have just bought the thousand-dollar Tag Heuer watch and forgotten all about the groceries & cargo shorts for Jimmy.

    A watch would have been a lot easier to transport home.

  8. Wait, you have three teen/almost-teen boys in the house -- why are you shoveling snow?
