
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Animals Make Us Human

Number 13 on the NY Times bestseller list this weekend.


  1. And she was on Colorado Matters on KCFR this morning!

  2. I will be reading it on my train ride into DC and will display it prominently to the other passengers who are used to seeing me work math problems from a 1942 calculus book. They will no doubt think I've lost my mind if they haven't already.

  3. Amazon delivered my copy last week. It's -12 in Chicago today (-30 with wind chill), so there's a decent chance I'll finish reading it this weekend as I lock myself indoors.

  4. Blue skies, a turquoise sea, the magnificent divi tree, and a NYT bestseller... sounds like 2009 is beginning on quite a lovely note.

    Congratulations! You deserve whatever success comes your way. You've earned it.

  5. My copy came a few days ago and I opened it up in the middle and was immediately engrossed in the saga of riparian loafers.

    More reading tonight! The riparian loafers part has excellent behavior analytic components -- so applicable to the people in our lives.

    BTW part of the brilliance of the writing is that Catherine captures Temple's "voice" (take that, you Six Traits aficionados) so well. That must be a special sort of genius in itself.

  6. Thanks you guys!

    Now I'm trying to write a man's voice ---- it's harder than writing Temple's.
