
Saturday, February 18, 2012

sometimes life surprises you

at the Parents Forum

This school board, my school board, has won my respect, my appreciation, and my affection forever.

All five members.


  1. As a p.s.:

    This post probably sounds a bit over the top, and that is because I'm not going to add, here, the details that would make it sound under the top.

    I'm just going to say that getting to this place was not easy.

    They've been through a lot.

  2. Catherine, at the risk of sounding pedantic, the correct expression is "the proof of the pudding is in the eating", not "the proof is in the pudding."

    "Proof" in this case is an archaic use of the word, meaning "to try out". It's the same meaning as "we will all the pleasures prove". (Extra credit to whomever names the poem that quote is from!)

  3. I believe that it is the same use of "proof" in the expression, "the exception proves the rule". But no one seems to know that and so that expression is misused in ways I find really irritating!

  4. That usage of "proof" is still used in breadmaking, where recipes talk about "proofing" the yeast.

  5. (Extra credit to whomever names the poem that quote is from!)

    Ah, now that is easy. It's from Christopher Marlowe's poem, "A Passionate Shepherd to his Love," and begins,
    Come live with me and be my love,
    And we we will all the pleasures prove
    That hills and valleys, dale and field,
    And all the craggy mountains yield...

    There are quite a few more verses but I only recall the first.

    When I was in high school, we memorized vast amounts of poetry, including Shakespeare, the Metaphysical poets, the Romantics, and some American poets, not to mention prose like the Gettysburg Address and the opening of A Tale of Two Cities.. It's amazing how that stuff stays with you. I can still launch into Marc Antony's soliloquy, or for that matter, Lincoln's second inaugural, at a moment's notice, lo these many years later.

    Now the question is, do I have a really good memory because of all this childhood memory work, or do I remember it because I have a good memory?

    I suspect these elements are synergistic. Anyhoo, I highly recommend memorizing poetry and outstanding prose as well. It has provided much enrichment over the years.

  6. Not a minute too soon: My daughter is starting back up at Irvington High School next week.

    I'm nothing if not lucky!
