
Friday, May 29, 2009

Vlorbik on what authors do

"sit at the typer and open a vein"
works for me; this appears to be
an exercise for *experts*.

b-ass ackwards
what do authors do?
Four Blocks by Doug Sundseth
Vlorbik on what authors do
cranberry on the real world
Writing Block
Sifting and Sorting Through the 4-Blocks Literacy Model


  1. not me; red smith.
    i'll say something memorable
    *one* of these days, though...

  2. The one memorable thing I thought I made up with was: He/she is mean as spit.

    But I just Googled it and I guess not.


    Well, there's always 'Filet of sole is the celery of fish.'

    I'm pretty sure that one's mine.

  3. well it's a good one.

    i'll try and remember to cite you
    when i drop it in some random
    comment thread somewhere.

    i think as a kid i thought
    for a short while that i'd
    made up "humongous".

    i've never had a flair for that kind of thing
    so it's a mystery how i *could* have thought it.
