kitchen table math, the sequel: Independent George to the rescue

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Independent George to the rescue

re: Norwegian IQ study as future "proof" that peer-tutoring and heterogeneous grouping are really, really good for gifted children:

The sociobiological argument against heterogeneous grouping is that siblings share 25% common genes, and therefore have a biological stake in each other's success. This is not the case within a heterogenous peer group, where others would be viewed as a competitive threat to their survival.


Cain and Abel
Independent George to the rescue


Independent George said...

Oh shoot. I spelled 'heterogeneous' and 'would' wrong, and there's an extra 'the' in the second sentence.


Independent George said...

Ugh - superfluous use of 'siblings' in the first sentence, too. Why don't I ever notice this stuff before I post?

Catherine Johnson said...

better question: why didn't I notice it??

Catherine Johnson said...

OK, fixed.

I think.

Independent George said...

Huzzah for copy editors!