
Friday, October 12, 2007

meanwhile, somewhere in a parallel universe

I'm going to have to have a couple of life-extending glasses of red wine tonight, I fear.

Right this minute.


Ed tells me the entire 8th grade class has been given detention for being rude to the assembly speaker.

His topic: eating healthfully.

Eating what, I want to know?

update! update!

C. was praised by his English teacher today for coming up with a euphemism for masturbation: self-exploration.

She gave him a piece of candy.

"I had to wait until 12th grade to see a movie on syphillis," Ed says.

black and Hispanic students in a Natl School of Excellence
news from nowhere, redux
meanwhile, somewhere in a parallel universe
things my child learned about gay women in school this week
also playing in a parallel universe
email to the principal, part 2
ktm-2 readers make up a word problem for IMS
profiles in courage
new talent at the forum
my tax dollars at work
character education emergency
invitation to the dance



  1. No one should serve that detention unless they've been named specifically. Collective punishment is abusive and not to be tolerated in any way.

    Why is masturbation being discussed in English? Were they discussing the administration's disciplinary philosophy or something?

  2. Wait, does anybody else think it mildly amusing that the entire class is given a detention for inappropriate behavior towards a guest speaker discussing healthy eating on the same day that C. is rewarded with a piece of candy for coming up with a euphemism for masturbation?

  3. I should clarify, actually. I'm with matthew on this--collective detention for the whole 8th grade is ridiculous! As for the adult information handed out, I would be a very unhappy camper if that had taken place at our school. Had anyone screened these materials ahead of time??

    As for the English teacher asking a question like that, well, let's just say it leaves me speechless.

  4. does anybody else think it mildly amusing that the entire class is given a detention for inappropriate behavior towards a guest speaker discussing healthy eating on the same day that C. is rewarded with a piece of candy for coming up with a euphemism for masturbation?

    answer: yes

  5. They were discussing The Chocolate War.

    My neighbor's son said, back when he read it, "It's a classic."

    My neighbor said, "When was it published."

    "In the 1970s."

  6. I've posted the link to Matthew's pdf file on the Irvington Parents Forum.

    This seemed the proper moment to raise the issue of Shared Decision Making.

  7. Apparently the speaker was going on about people eating the wrong things and gaining weight, and some of the heavier boys took offense.

    I fear C. was amongst them.

  8. Apparently the high school was involved, too.

    This will be the high school's second involvement in an extracurricular whole-town blow-up.

    The last one happened when they invited a gay speaker to address the h.s. on the subject of tolerance towards homosexuals, and it turned out the guy had a web site urging students to try homosexual sex even if they thought they were heterosexual, just to be sure.

  9. Did I say this already?

    I thought I did.

    Apparently there were teachers warning kids away from the table; they weren't supposed to pick up the brochures unless they needed them, or something.

    So that produced a stampede to the table.

  10. "... being rude to the assembly speaker"

    That's because he was being a sage on the stage. Modern kids have to construct their own knowledge.

    Maybe kids can apply their school-developed discovery skills to sex.

  11. "it turned out the guy had a web site urging students to try homosexual sex even if they thought they were heterosexual, just to be sure."

    Gee, that's a sensible take.

    Just like one who isn't a certified, practicing public school teacher clearly isn't remotely qualified to weigh in on education - after all, they haven't themselves done it - one who has yet to engage in same-sex acts can't be sure about his/her own heterosexuality.

    This logic shows up in lots of places.

  12. This is a nightmare.

    I just found more brochures upstairs; C. had read every single one.

    He has yet to go on his first date and now, thanks to Principal Joe Witazek, he has a mental image of...

    I have to stop.

    Back tomorrow.
