kitchen table math, the sequel: ktm readers "make up a word problem" for Irvington

Sunday, October 14, 2007

ktm readers "make up a word problem" for Irvington

Liam earned $1.00 on Monday, $2.00 on Tuesday, $4.00 on Wednesday, $8.00 on Thursday,
Appropriate response: Does Liam have enough money to buy a dental dam on Friday?

There are 6 cookies. _____ children could have _____ cookies each.
Appropriate response: Can the children catch HIV from sharing cookies?

In my hand I have 9¢.
Appropriate response: Where is my other hand?

by Tex

the 8 percent solution

That last one is particularly apropos.

I learned from one of C's friends today that a bunch of the 8th grade boys grabbed the drunk driving bumper stickers off one of the tables -- message: 0.8% Don't Blow It! and plastered them on their crotches.

The 6th grade boys and girls, some of whom are as young as 10 years old, were present for this.

Tomorrow the entire school -- all 3 grades -- has lunchtime detention, or so it appears. Some kids think the whole school has detention; one kid I talked to thought he had lunchtime detention but his brother did not; other kids have no clue at all.

The most likely story appears to be that the principal said to the assembled 3 grades, after the nutrition speaker had finished stirring them up over their lousy eating habits and their weight, "Come rain or shine, everyone's in the cafeteria on Monday. Bring pencil and paper."

This is a familiar form of group punishment for Mr. Principal, keeping kids indoors for lunch.

I interpret "bring pencil and paper" to mean that the kids will have an "opportunity" to "problem-solve," as they did last February, re: bomb threats. (Students, We've had a number of bomb threats on our MS/HS campus. We would like you to use the Problem Solving Steps from our character education problem, Social Decision Making and Problem Solving, to find a solution to this ongoing problem. etc.)

Or maybe not.

Who can say?

Administration is on radio silence.


black and Hispanic students in a Natl School of Excellence
news from nowhere, redux
meanwhile, somewhere in a parallel universe
things my child learned about gay women in school this week
email to the principal, part 2
ktm-2 readers make up a word problem for IMS
profiles in courage

1 comment:

Catherine Johnson said...

I added a second section to this post 9:10 pm