kitchen table math, the sequel: my 21st century autistic son...

Friday, December 23, 2011

my 21st century autistic son...

employing 21st century technology...


Catherine Johnson said...

We cracked up when we found Andrew sitting in the stairwell playing Kidsong videos on his iPad....

iPads for autistic kids are great.

ChemProf said...

My toddler loves that darn thing. Calls it her "MyPad"

Anonymous said...

You better watch out. He's going to start buying things.

I should know....


Catherine Johnson said...

He already did!

Except he bought something on my NEIGHBOR's account.

No one knows how he swung that. He ordered an Arthur video on my neighbor's Amazon account.

She said, "Is it OK if I give it to him? Or would that be bad?"

Crime pays!

Catherine Johnson said...

chemprof - did you see that fabulous video of the baby trying to make the images on a book move by running her finger over the screen?

I have to find that. It was adorable.

Catherine Johnson said...

IN class one day, a student was trying to look something up we had a question about & we were disagreeing about whether the site she'd found was or was not to be trusted, so started swiping the screen of her phone with my finger.

She gave me a withering look and said, "This is a Blackberry. You can't swipe it."

Catherine Johnson said...

The photo doesn't capture the scene, unfortunately. Andrew's a pretty big guy these days, and he was absolutely filling up the space --- and had himself and his device (and his lunch) all sorted out....

ChemProf said...

Yeah, I saw that video. It was really cute. You can find it as:
(I hunted it down for you so you can stop procrastinating and get your grades in.)

My husband kept saying he should submit a bug report to apple because our daughter kept trying to play videos by hitting the picture instead of the play button. The rest was so intuitive, he figured that should work.

Last year, she was in the hospital five days to correct a birth defect (nothing major and she's fine now), and the iPad was a lifesaver. I could check my mail for work, she could play games and watch videos.