kitchen table math, the sequel: page-turners for boys (and girls?)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

page-turners for boys (and girls?)

Competition is a good thing.

Christopher's friend J. was here a couple of weekends ago; he said he'd read 5 books so far this summer.

That's five books as compared to Christopher's none.

We all started razzing Christopher about J's great reading habit, compared to Christopher's complete and total absence of a reading habit, and, lo and behold, he has now, exactly two weeks later, read 2 1/2 books:

Monster by Walter Dean Myers
The Recruit by Robert Muchamore
The Dealer by Robert Muchamore

He starts Maximum Security next, and I'm ordering the rest of the books in the series.

Here's the publisher's blurb for the CHERUB series:

CHERUB agents are all seventeen and under. They wear skate tees and hemp, and look like regular kids. But they’re not. They are trained professionals who are sent out on missions to spy on terrorists and international drug dealers. CHERUB agents hack into computers, bug entire houses, and download crucial documents. It is a highly dangerous job. For their safety, these agents DO NOT EXIST.

Sounds like a huge amount of fun.

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