kitchen table math, the sequel: The Value of "Labs"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Value of "Labs"

In a post below, Catherine questioned the value of laboratory time in science classes and implied that it was constructivist in the same way as "guess and check" in a math class.

"She was least behind in the sciences, which makes sense to me because science education became progressive many, many years ago and has remained so to this day. This is why science has always had 'labs.'"

I don't think this is inherently true. In fact, I think that well-conducted labs are crucial to a real science education.

When done poorly, labs take an hour to teach what could be taught directly by the teacher in 2 minutes ... and labs are often done poorly. One of the signs of a poorly conducted lab is that the lab is being used to teach the facts of science. You don't need to cut open a frog to learn that a frog has lungs.

Done well, though, labs teach several things that lectures do not teach well:

Lab Technique

Measuring difficult things, making notes, interpreting results, and producing a lab report that presents those results are useful skills. Like many other skills, they require practice. But I don't really want to do dissections on the dining room table and energetic reactions in the kitchen. The time and space required to learn these skills is only really available in a laboratory during school hours. Home is a poor substitute.

These skills are exactly the sort of skills that are broadly useful for life. I assert that they are entirely appropriate for a general education.

Accuracy and its Limits

Your lab results aren't going to match the ideal results. Oh, you might get lucky once and have your mean result end up fairly close to the mean expected result. But it requires good technique and a bit of luck. Without both, you are likely to end up proving that the third law of thermodynamics is all wrong. Understanding how this happens and what can cause it is pretty important.

But even if you do everything right, you won't end up with the precisely correct result. The canonical result is a statistical construct accurate only within some error band. Understanding that this is true for your experiments and for the experiments you read about in the newspaper is critically important.

Statistics and error bands are hard to understand, and a personal attempt that results in statistical results with a broader error band than you'd prefer can be useful. This must be followed, of course, with direct instruction of why this happens and what it means. But I think it best to begin with a practical demonstration.


If your lab results do match the "expected" results too closely, your teacher should be questioning them. It's more likely that pristine results are caused by cooking the books than by cooking the chemicals just perfectly. Again, this might be a universal truth.

If your answers weren't right, and you report them honestly, your results should be treated with respect. Of course, any such result should include your best estimate of what went wrong. (It's probably not the science. 8-)

In too many cases, of course, the grade depends not on good science, but on a result that matches the canonical result. I consider that to be scientific malpractice.


On the other hand, if your answers are a complete mess, it can be very useful to run through the process of determining where you made your mistakes. To do this, you need to know what the expected result was and how experimental errors could have caused bad results. This requires a fairly deep understanding of the science, and probably requires direct help from a more knowledgeable source, at least in the beginning. Again, this sort of practice has significant real-world value.

Scientific method

Observe, hypothesize, test, theorize, identify falsifying criteria, test for falsification, modify theory. The process is both rigorous and useful, and not just in science. But to see it in action, you have to do it. If you only ever do experiments where you know what to expect, you'll never get to see this powerful tool in action.

Unfortunately, this isn't the practice in most HS labs. Some labs for every student should ask interesting questions and let the students find out the results. I view egg-drop experiments in this category, but not as they were done for C. When done well, a negative result is just as important as a positive result.

If you find that embedding an egg in jello is ineffective in dissipating kinetic energy, that's just as valid a result, and just as worthy of points, as finding out that parachutes work well.

Proof of the Unusual

Some concepts are very difficult to understand or believe. For at least some of these, a demonstration can be very useful. For example, torque is deeply counterintuitive -- until you've seen a spinning wheel supported only at one end and not falling over, you probably just won't get it. Once you do see it, you probably won't forget it. And, of course, for a visceral [1] understanding of what the inside of a creature is like, there's nothing better than a dissection.


As I see it, then, to get value for time in a laboratory, a teacher must do the following:
  • Identify the course content that is best taught in a lab rather than in a lecture.

  • Identify the goal or goals of each individual lab experiment.

  • Evaluate your success in meeting those goals.

  • Remediate the failures as soon as possible.

  • Reinforce in lectures the lessons that you intended to teach in labs.

  • Grade lab reports that have the wrong results the same as labs that have the correct results, as long as the student cogently discusses both the deviation from the expected results and the probable reasons for that deviation.

Let me reiterate that I don't think that labs are a good way of teaching scientific content -- with the limited exception of a few counter-intuitive cases. But I think that labs are crucial to teaching science.

[1] Sorry; couldn't resist.

Update: Added sixth bullet to "Advice" as recommended by Tracy. (Thanks!)


Exo said...

I would like to heartily agree with Doug - yes, labs are necessary in science, but not to teach the content.
I teach Regents Living Environment to 8th graders. I write my own labs to allow them to PRACTICE the techniques and APPLY the content. I never give a lab before the content is taught directly, and students know what is expected in the lab. Then they can practice skills, get results, compare them with expected ones, identify the mistakes and flows etc.
Since I work in the middle school and have my own room (where I keep my own equipment), I can make labs closely alligned with the unit studied. It's not the case in HS - the labs are prepared by a lab specialist and they are not alligned with the current topic, being just a list of experiment one needs to complete. It's not that bad for a person with excellent knowledge of biology but for a student who struggles to learn the subject that's of no use...
However, i think it's much worse if labs are used to "motivate and have kids discover" the concepts.

SteveH said...

An added benefit of my 10th grade biology lab was that I then knew what I DIDN'T want to do with the rest of my life, even though the teacher said that "good scientists sometimes get sent abroad to study". As a 15 year old boy, that part sounded good to me.

Catherine Johnson said...

I'm convinced!

Catherine Johnson said...

Actually, I need to find that article...but I don't think I'm going to put my hands on it.

I suspect there's a major Wrong Use of labs going on, but obviously I don't know what it is.

Catherine Johnson said...

I always had fun doing labs.

I'm not sure what I learned, only because I don't remember all that much about it.

I will say, though, that the labs I did at Wellesley don't seem particularly useful in retrospect.

Actually....thinking back the labs I did in h.s. and in college seem a bit like cooking.

You know, following a recipe, not learning too much from it.


I guess I would tentatively conclude that I probably didn't have great labs in the few lab courses I took.

Catherine Johnson said...

Hi, Exo!

I was thinking about you the other day---

Exo said...

I am still following the threads, Catherine, though I'm not writing... Too many things are going on, including education)

Regarding labs - I didn't have labs in Bio, or Chem, or Physics classes when I was in grade school in Soviet Union. And I knew my subjects well. (Except that I learned to use the microscope at home, and I was playing with chemical ware at my mother's work). From another point - we had books. Good books. But major lab experience I had in veterinary school for the first time. (But again, I was so ready for the labs knowing all the theory!) And in the US, in college - oh boy, I loved my labs... And how I wished that back in Ukraine we had the equipment and supplies like in the US! Sounds funny now.

And I was thinking the other day about testing... I don't remember ANY written tests in Biology class - for all 5 years that I had Bio in school we were called on by the teacher in class to get the grade, we had end of the year oral exams, but we never had a single written test! (we had tests in writing in chemistry and physics though - equations and problems, I remember)

Catherine Johnson said...


So I smoked you out!

Good to hear from you --

I should add that I liked my labs, too.

My "gut" feeling is that labs are terrific when used as you use them, as Doug mentions, etc.

Catherine Johnson said...

Wow- the oral exam idea is really interesting.

I've been testing Chris orally now that I'm the Earth Science reteacher.

I ask him to explain the various concepts of the course to me.

Catherine Johnson said...

We desperately need good textbooks. I haven't written about this here, but the Earth Science textbook is miserable. I'll have to post the email I wrote about it.

Especially now that we have very young, inexperienced teachers, we have GOT to have textbooks a kid can read and understand.

I'm having to supplement C's Earth Science text with a college text because the college text is easier to understand.

Instructivist said...

[I'm having to supplement C's Earth Science text with a college text because the college text is easier to understand.]

I love Earth science and have quite a few books for different levels

Middle grades: Earth Science (Concepts and Challenges series). Globe Fearon. Topical and concise, probably semi-remedial

High School: Modern Earth Science. Holt, Rinehart, Winston. Easy to follow.

College: Earth Science. Tarbuck. Macmillan

Planet Earth and the New Geoscience. Schmidt. This one is not flashy. Black and white. It's written in lecture style. Highly informative. I love this book and learned a ton from it.

Which college text are you using?

Anonymous said...

I'll second this -- well designed labs are great for science, to introduce to scientific method or to ILLUSTRATE a concept from class. Torque is a great example, or as I see in my class, they "get" gas laws much better once they see how volume and pressure are related. Before we introduced the gas law lab, students always had trouble remembering which relations were proportional and which were inversely proportional. Now, they all get it.

However, if the labs aren't well connected, so that the lab comes weeks before or weeks after an idea is introduced, or never seems to relate to class at all, then students get frustrated and don't see the point (and they're right!) Discovery can be great in lab, but needs to be followed up QUICKLY with a class discussion or lecture, or it just seems like disjointed dreck. Which sounds like what you're seeing with C.

Tracy W said...

Hey Doug, great article. I'd make one addition. Given that in the body of the article you talk about honesty and the importance of failed results, I'd add, to your Advice list at the end a point like:
"Give as much reward for failed results as for successful results, if the student properly followed instructions."

Catherine Johnson said...

I'm using Tarbuck! He's saved my life numerous times & I've just gotten started on this.

I'm having a HUGE amount of trouble understanding wave refraction.

I don't get why, when waves come into the shore at a slight angle, they then refract and come in dead-on because the front of the wave hits first and slows down.

Just cannot figure this out.

If you can explain it (and have time) I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for the references. Looks like I need a reference library.

Catherine Johnson said...

Before we introduced the gas law lab, students always had trouble remembering which relations were proportional and which were inversely proportional. Now, they all get it.

That REALLY makes sense.

This is one of my problems with Earth Science; I'm trying to get it from a book -- I'm trying to visualize it, connect it to things I remember seeing in nature -- it's very difficult.

I should ask C. about the labs they do in Earth Science.

I have no idea whether they're valuable or not.

I tend to think they're not. C. didn't seem to have a clue what was going on in a couple of them and didn't know how to answer the questions.

I didn't either.

Catherine Johnson said...

I suspect the labs are being used as exercises in discovery -- discovery both of the specific results and of the reason why one would do the lab in the first place, or what one would expect to learn from it.

But I don't know.

Catherine Johnson said...

Thank you SO much for the textbook recommendations. I've ordered two; am now contemplating ordering Holt.

We have McDougal Littell. The illustrations are good (I think) but the text is IMPOSSIBLE. It's your basic fact-o-rama, like reading an encyclopedia.

I'll have to post the email I wrote about reading one paragraph 5 times and STILL not getting the fact that the text was drawing a distinction between ICE and WATER.

Catherine Johnson said...

If I hadn't stumbled across a graphic organizer at the end of the chapter I might never have figured it out.

Needless to say, I don't think too many of the kids are putting in this kind of effort.

Our Regents scores on Earth Science are bad.

quelle surprise

Tex said...

Speaking as an ex-geologist, an important deviation from the more traditional science lab is the field work done as part of many geology classes.

!. Almost every geology class I took had a lab component.
2. Many times the lab consisted of field work with follow-up mapping.

Unfortunately, middle-school earth science classes probably include very little field work where landforms can be viewed first hand. As you might imagine, this can be most helpful in gaining understanding.

BTW, I probably suffer from low spatial intelligence. That’s a very unfortunate affliction for a geologist. I believe boys have typically had higher spatial intelligence than girls have.

Back in the pre-PC dinosaur days (should I say Mesozoic Era?) when I was usually the only woman in my geology class, I had one prof who would berate me for lacking the ability to think in 3D because I never played baseball. I hated him, but he was probably right.

SteveH said...

"I don't get why, when waves come into the shore at a slight angle, they then refract and come in dead-on because the front of the wave hits first and slows down."

This is for high school? What level of explanation do you want? Do you want a simple explanation that tells you why waves slow down and build up along a shore? I can't imagine you would need to know the mathematics behind it, because that's what I had to derive in graduate school.

Waves slow down and build up because of the decreased depth of the water. This doesn't happen when waves "bounce" off a concrete wall in deep water. At a beach, the front of the wave will slow down and the back of the wave will push water up to a maximum height (A height-to-wavelength ratio of 7:1? I'm too lazy to look it up?) before curling and crashing.

Our town beach has a nice long concave arc in it. It always looks strange to see big waves come in matching the exact shape of the beach. I keep meaning to take a picture of it.

You can't see a tsunami out in deep water. The wave length is incredibly long, the speed is incredibly fast, but the amplitude is small. You just have to watch out in shallow water. But the destruction is not due to the height of the wave coming in (in spite of all the silly waves you see when they talk about monster waves swallowing NYC) because there is a limit to the height. The descruction is caused by the mass of the water pushed up onto the land.

if you have a big storm out at sea, it creates waves with all sorts of frequencies. These waves don't travel at the same speed. The long, low ones go faster than the the short, steep ones. (You can also talk about phase and group velocities.) After a while, the long "swells" race out ahead hundreds of miles in all directions from the storm, even to places where there is absolutly no wind. Surfers know all about this.

I remember one test problem that told of two fishermen sitting on the shore timing the period of the swells coming in. We students had to, supposedly like the fishermen, calculate how far out at sea the storm was.

There are different levels of understanding in all subjects and there can be quite different opinions of what needs to be understood when. I like understanding to be used to motivate the students; to give them some sense of what it all means. But I believe that there are limits to understanding that can't be surpassed without full understanding of the mathematics.

Anonymous said...

"There are different levels of understanding in all subjects and there can be quite different opinions of what needs to be understood when."

This is a key problem with a lot of high school science -- they like to introduce high level vocabulary without worrying too much about the underlying concepts (especially if those involve math). I know my colleagues in biology are driven crazy by students who think they know all about DNA transcription, but don't know where they'd find DNA in a cell. Their teachers in high school wanted to do the fun stuff, but then had to treat it at a very cursory level.

A lab where you purify DNA from fruit (see for example )
can be fun, but you can't assume that students will build these kinds of experiences into a bigger framework without a lot of help. Which is the problem with discovery science is general (well, that plus the math avoidance that commonly goes with it!)

You might ask C. if he actually gets his hands on rock samples, or if it is always just pictures. The former is at least marginally better.

Instructivist said...

I am in a sloganeering mood and came up with this anti-fuzzy math slogan:

Teaching connected math without discrete skills and bits of knowledge is like trying to connect the dots without the dots.

SteveH said...

That's a good one.

How about a variation of mine:

You have to know what's inside the box before you can think outside the box. The box is not located at ed schools.

Catherine Johnson said...

Many times the lab consisted of field work with follow-up mapping.

That was Ed's reaction!

He started dealing with the course over Christmas break and said: Why aren't these kids out in the field?

He didn't call it "the field," but that's what he was saying.

Going into the field is the parents' responsibility. The kids are to create a 10-page scrapbook of Earth Science THINGS out in nature then label each photo they take.

These are 13 year olds we're talking about. C. doesn't own a camera, doesn't drive, and definitely won't be allowed to ride his bike all over creation in FEBRUARY carrying the family camera.

So this is an assignment for the parents.

Catherine Johnson said...

Many times the lab consisted of field work with follow-up mapping.

That was Ed's reaction!

He started dealing with the course over Christmas break and said: Why aren't these kids out in the field?

He didn't call it "the field," but that's what he was saying.

Going into the field is the parents' responsibility. The kids are to create a 10-page scrapbook of Earth Science THINGS out in nature then label each photo they take.

These are 13 year olds we're talking about. C. doesn't own a camera, doesn't drive, and definitely won't be allowed to ride his bike all over creation in FEBRUARY carrying the family camera.

So this is an assignment for the parents.

Anonymous said...

What I remember from AP Chemistry labs in high school is that lab notebooks are written in passive voice.

Well, okay, that and my lab partner lighting the burner jets directly, with the chemistry teacher watching. (But that was in the previous year's non-AP Chemistry class.)

Footnote: We used the same text for both non-AP and AP; the non-AP was a prerequisite of the AP. I think this is a slightly different revision of the text we used. IIRC it was intended to be a college text. I don't remember that it had any extraneous pictures; of course it had shell diagrams and molecular models and stuff. I still have it at home (private school; we had to purchase all of our books), so I can always check later. :-)