kitchen table math, the sequel: Practical Answers: what background do kids need to compete in technical subjects in college?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Practical Answers: what background do kids need to compete in technical subjects in college?

Mark's question on this thread was: A practical question for you. What does a child need to have learned by 12th grade to compete in the
technical fields at a top-notch school?
I don't think that the kids in other countries are inherently smarter than our kids -- or at least
not enough to matter.

The question is important, and I don't claim to know the whole answer. But I think it's a big enough discussion that it warrants its own post, and my answer was too big to really be a comment. My answer is in two parts, the first part a practical answer, and the second part the anecdotal experiences I've had that explain why I've come to the conclusions I did in the first part. But first, You're right. They aren't smarter. What they are is well educated in the basics.

I haven't read the other comments in detail, but I don't agree that the kids need to know calc and Differential Equations before college. But practically speaking, what entering college freshmen need is an understanding of algebra, geometry, trig, algebraic geometry, that is proper, thorough, and deep--deep enough that they understand (even if they cannot prove) why you can add polynomials, for example, and they could understand a proof by induction. Basically, they need mastery.

So, specifically to the practical question:

I've just begun reading a set of textbooks that Prof. Wu recommended to me. (I literally out of the blue emailed him and asked what to do for this startup high school I'm involved with, and he answered--right when he was working on the big NMAP paper, too! What a generous man.) They are Japanese texts for 7th- 9th grade, translated, and available from U Chicago (don't let that dissuade you!). They are written by a mathematician Kodaira. They are thin, and not appropriate to non-higher-math-literate teachers. That is, they need some real fleshing out to create lecture notes from, probably, even for a homeschooler.

They are terrific. A child, or a class of children that really had mastery (Singapore Math as background) could handle it, and they'd learn a great deal. The 7th grade book has 7 chapters. That's it: 7 chapters. They are: integers, positive and negative numbers, "letters" and expressions--i.e. variables, equations, functions, plane geometry, and solid geometry.

The chapter on integers begins with prime numbers and factoring, common divisors and multiples. It introduces exponents. The second chapter moves on to how to handle positive and negative signs, and how to understand the rule (for example, for multiplication of positives and negatives, they go through some really nice examples of water entering a cistern, and flowing out at a different rate, etc.)

The book goes on to simple algebra--how to use "letters" and quantities. It teaches how to write expressions, how to simplify them, how to turn sentences into expression. Moving on, they learn substitution, linear expression, and then solving linear equations. They on to functions. Then plane figures and geometric solids.

But everything presented is sophisticated in that everything goes through great length to teach the rule and *why* the rule is true--with excellent examples, but the examples are very sparse, and there are not enough problems presented for a student to gain mastery. A teacher needs to add to this skeleton, but the skeleton is terrific. Why? Because everything it does prepares for a deeper understanding later. Every word is chosen carefully to make sure that the right lesson is being taught. Their explanations of equality, for example, are based on a balance or scale, rather than immediately on "solve for X". They make explicit the following rules: if A = B then A + C = B + C; if A = B then A/C = B/C. This makes it easier to learn more sophisticated math later because the scaffolding is correct.

The Japanese kids don't seem to learn calc before 11th at the very earliest, and certainly some learn it later than 12th. They appear to take various electives in senior year: discrete math, statistics, number theory. It will not be the last time they take those courses.

This leads to the next issue: never teach your child to test out of any course. Teach your child to retake the "basics" at every possible chance. If your kids learn calc in high school, convince them to take the Honors Calc sequence as freshman in college, or if they've still got time, do it their senior year from the local college. Take the same "syllabus" worth of material in more rigorous forms over and over again, rather than skip ahead. Building mastery is so incredibly important that it just makes everything easier later.

And this leads to the last problem: not only do your kids need grounding, they need to learn how to WORK HARD. This is difficult if they are naturals. The most important way for them to learn this is to see that other kids are brighter/faster/better than they are at something, but then learn that hard work matters more in the end.

So find a way to make sure they aren't the best kid in the room. Send them to math camp, physics camp, or music camp. Before they are 15, send them somewhere where they are merely average, but the structure and discipline of learning to work hard brings them above average. I think 15 is the last time they can really learn to catch up on the discipline, esp, if they are far ahead of the typical student. They need a couple years of knowing about discipline before college strats.

Our naturals have never been challenged in grammar or high school. Even if they are gifted enough to ace college, to get into grad school they are competing against kids who took a national test against 100 million other kids, and ranked in the top 20. Not 200, 20. The idea that they will suddenly know how to work hard enough in college to compete with kids who have been working hard for years is unreasonable. It simply takes too long to acquire the skill of learning how to work a problem, how to have discipline, focus, etc.

On to the anecdote, now.

20 years ago now, I took Calc BC in my junior year of high school, and I was 14 at the time (I was 15 by the end of that school year). My senior year of high school, at 15 and 16, I went to UC San Diego and took 1 quarter of multivariable calc, one quarter of linear algebra, and one quarter of Differential Equations. I got As in all the courses.

I didn't understand anything about Linear Algebra or Differential Equations. wrt Differential equations, that's pretty normal, because the courses are almost always taught poorly, without any overarching coherence to the material. But wrt linear algebra, I managed to get the highest score on the final and I never grokked the concept of the "span" of the space. It was bewildering to me. I could do the methods they asked, and the course was simple enough that I never had to guess what method to ask, so I could still ace it. But I understood nothing.

This is not surprising--I'd never seen this stuff before, and intellectually, the leaps I was asked to make were huge. I wasn't going to get it in one quarter, period, even if I was a "natural". But the issue was my lack of preparation: in all of my math schooling, I'd never really been given a basic understanding of what a system of linear equations MEANT, even though I must have seen them in (Dolciani's) Algebra 2. Now I was being asked to make that leap, and it was too much.

Then I got to MIT. I was a "natural" but I wasn't any math prodigy there--I was well more advanced in coursework than most freshmen--nearly everyone there HAD to take calc (even if they'd passed AP Calc AB), and had never seen differential eqs or linear algebra, but I was probably as good at math as the average physics major (my original major) and better than the average engineer, and I was definitely completely outclassed by the math majors.

The dept gave me credit for all of the calculus, including multivariable, and for differential equations, but not linear algebra. I took it again, and I barely got a C, for one main reason: I still didn't get it, but I had never had to STUDY before, so i didn't know how, and my trivial knowledge tricked me into thinking I did get it, and I didn't really understand how far I was from knowing what I didn't know. So I didn't really get the span on the 2nd time around either. Again--not that surprising for an entirely new concept. But how come I'd made it this far before seeing this concept?

So there I was, completely new to learning how to learn something I didn't know, not knowing what I didn't know, and with no way to bridge the gap. The successful kids who hadn't had those courses were far better offthan I was, because they were forced to study and learn the material well. But some of them realized quickly that they too didn't know how to do that. The kids who succeeded weren't the ones who were far ahead on material; they were ones who had been so grounded that these concepts were not intellectually new to them. This was true in physics as well. The successful students hadn't done AP physics in high school with calculus, but they knew how to draw a free-body diagram, which is a way of writing down all the forces on a system. They KNEW what forces to write down. They weren't sophisticated mathematically, but they were well grounded.

The foreign students, and the well educated math students HAD seen these concepts before they reached linear algebra. They still hadn't taken the course, officially, the way I had, yet they knew more of the material. They'd seen them in high school--they'd been given enough mastery of algebra that they really did have some intuitive sense of what a system of linear equations meant. They'd been given enough mastery in calculus (something AP classes simply DO NOT give)so that they understood functions better than I did, and that meant that when they went to linear algebra, they understood how linear operators work as functions. Over and over again, they'd been prepared for this material since junior high.

The only place where I ever caught up to my counterparts in my physics major was in statistical mechanics--because it was the first course where NOE ONE (except the Russians) had taken the material before, no one had seen it before. I was on even footing. (The Russians had done every problem we did as lower division undergrads in high school. All of them. Apparently, though, they never had any labs. This is part of the reason they were phenomenal: they were required to build their intuition from SOLVING problems and DISSECTING what the answers meant. No "hands on" manipulatives for them!)

For the folks who don't know what I'm talking about in the specific math stuff, here's the analogy: if you want to be an American history major, you take history in high school, American history as a lower division undergrad, and you take it again as an upper division undergrad. Each time, you're supposed to be getting a better understanding of how various factors, events, etc. influenced each other. You know more so you can make more intellectual leaps.

But if you never actually learned any history in high school, and you don't have the faintest idea what the main wars are, who the presidents were, when American industrialization began, then the undergrad course is way over your head. You barely can keep track of what happens in any century, and any lecture that assumes you know the value of the Missouri compromise and what impact it had on the Civil War and how slavery was the crux of that, you can't possibly hold these new ideas in your head. So even if you're a natural for reading and grokking what you've read about history, it doesn't matter--because you're so far behind compared to those who DID learn all of those facts and figures, and now can recall them at will to use as evidence. And that's where most of our students are, mathematically. They have no mastery.

The honest-to-goodness math prodigies were a different bunch entirely. I thought I was one (given I was taking calc bc at 14) until I met them. Maybe I could have been one, but I'd missed the window. They were kids who'd all been to math camp before junior year of high school. And of them, they broke down into who was a "natural" and who wasn't--nearly all of them decided they weren't really naturals after all. I'll write about that in another post, but basically, they'd been exposed to more number theory in high school summer camp than I would learn at MIT by graduation day with a bachelor's in math.

But that was 15-20 years ago. What's changed now? The answer is that the naturals are MUCH WORSE OFF now than I EVER was. I know this from being a grad student at UC Berkeley 5-10 years ago, and TAing CS courses. The entering freshmen/sophs there use the same text I used 15 years earlier, and I remember which parts were intellectually too big for me to jump. But that's not their problem: their problem is the trigonometry and the algebra II. They can't learn the hard parts, because they can't do the simple problem set problems that require them to know some basic high school math. They are so muddled they can't write down an algorithm to do something because they can't even compute the angle of something given some other related angles. They don't know how to divide fractions. They don't know how to compute sines and cosines. They don't know how to solve a geometry problem that requires a proof. They have no idea what a system of linear equations means. They don't understand what functions are, or what composition of functions means. Because of this, they can't dive in and learn the material asked of them, because they don't understand what the homework problem is asking for, and they don't know what they don't know. Their foreign and well taught counterparts do know, and are moving forward every day.


Anonymous said...

Your advice about retaking courses that students have AP credit for is absolutely spot on, in the sciences as well as in math. I can't tell you how many students have tried to come into the second semester of chemistry having AP credit and done poorly. AP, unfortunately, doesn't necessarily mean mastery.

I think that's particularly important at the technical schools (MIT, CalTech, Harvey Mudd), where the basic courses are taught at an amazingly high level. And even there, we return to the same topics again and again. I like to tell my classes that I had Quantum Mechanics five times -- as a freshman in Gen Chem, as a sophomore in P-Chem, as a senior in Quantum Chemistry, and then two semesters in grad school -- and I don't consider myself an expert.

le radical galoisien said...

An appropriate post, considering I'm mugging for my linear algebra final, which is in oh ... 16 hours.

I don't get the big deal behind all the buzz about proofs. Yes, they are important, but it seems that students have no idea what the importance of proofs are simply because they are slightly clueless about how concepts build upon each other -- they've been taught the procedure but not the concept.

The trouble I think starts from the very beginning of elementary school. I remember in first grade when a select group of us would be called to some special room during math time to apparently learn "advanced" math techniques (for first graders, this basically consisted of long addition and subtraction, and double digit multiplication). I actually still remember that rainy day in the room with the lights off with the mini whiteboard when the concept of "borrowing" was explained to us.

And as a six-year-old I was bewildered. Why *can* you do that? IMO, there's a trend in the US advanced procedures without consolidating theory/concepts. And as a first grader I witnessed how the procedure worked marvelously, but it wasn't till later in the year that I realised *why* it worked.

A lot of times in US education, there's too much of what I think you can call "magic math." The perfect examples are how I was introduced to conic sections, trig and matrices (in my freshman year). You derive the equation of an ellipse. Your homework mostly consists of mastering the *procedure* of an ellipse. The teacher goes over the sin/cosine addition rules, derives equations and identities. And voila! If you're a typical A student, mastering the procedure is very easy. It's magic! Come exam time, plug in the formulas and they work. Solve for eccentricity. Bla bla. Come next year after you've been innundated a full year with derivatives -- you never mastered the concept so when it comes to the math competition that *doesn't* have calc, you struggle to solve simple conic section questions. But conceptually, you're poorly-grounded.

Even in my current linear algebra course, I remember the first time I was exposed to very powerful theorems, one after another. The first of these I think, concerned the relationship between singularity of a matrix and its determinant. For exactly *one* session, we proved the concept in class. Then we did homework centred around the procedure. Passed the exam with a top score, where my other classmates consisted of engineering majors and math majors at least several years older than I. I wasn't really sure whether I had mastered the concepts or not. Even for questions that ask about proofs, if you apply the procedure you can get away with getting an answer without understanding why. Ah! Vandermonde matrix! The determinant is (x1-x2)(x2-x3)(x3-1) [I think it was something like that]! Why? Because when you plug in the cofactor expansion, that's what it solves into! But you can quickly miss out on the big picture.

In Singapore, I never had such magic moments. Actually, classes were pretty mundane. In sec 2 we did quadratic equations for six months, and graphed them with a bendy ruler, BEFORE we got introduced to the quadratic formula -- then it made perfect sense. (Of course we didn't do only quadratic equations those six months -- we simply repeated themes all along through the course ...)

For US Algebra II things are a bit different. You do one week of completing the square before you get introduced to the quadratic formula. And guess what happens? People end up memorising the formula without a thorough grounding of the concept. In essence, it becomes a "magic formula." Is it surprising that some seniors taking calculus, two years after Algebra II, can't recognise the quadratic formula when they see it?

IMO, having to go to a math camp to properly build your foundations shows something is wrong with the education system. I really love Ross' motto of "think deeply about the simple things." But even though I'm upset with the way the Singapore education system streams much of its students and commits the fallacy of streaming poorly-performing students into a stream that educational authorities think should be a long-term arrangement, we really don't have any "magic" moments, and I think that's sort of a good thing. During the PSLE at primary six, all throughout the problems you're repeating themes that have been echoing each exam from primary three or primary four. The school isn't afraid to arrange supplementary classes or ask even the top students to stay back. If you do go to some sort of summer math programme, the school recommends it to you and the school financially supports your going to it.

le radical galoisien said...

One thing that I think that is even more important than proofs is the history of the concepts in mathematics, which at least gives us some conceptual grounding to follow.

For example, my textbook doesn't even tell me who invented cofactor expansion. I think it was LaPlace? But gee, if I am told why Monsieur LaPlace derived that expansion, the steps he took to come across that expansion -- quite different from the proof of the expansion, and so forth, that suddenly I get to at least borrow the same conceptual insights the inventors of those concepts did.

"AP, unfortunately, doesn't necessarily mean mastery."
The biggest problem is the lack of summer review ... what I wish CollegeBoard would do is have some material concerning, "Some exercises to retain your knowledge over the summer...."

Anonymous said...

Chemprof, the university-science notion of mastery is the right one: keep taking the same subjects at a greater level of sophistication. It's the truth behind the hash they've made of "spiral teaching", but of course, they don't teach mastery of anything at any step on those spirals.

Your comment also reminded me of a statment my favorite math prof at MIT, Mike Artin, used to make.

He said "I'll never put any problem on any test that you haven't seen before. Math is about getting the proof right, not about how quickly you do it."

It was a great way to think about it, because it was completely up to us to build mastery--we were just supposed to go over and over the material, building up smaller exercises into bigger problem sets, until we understood every step of a proof. And then, we'd re iterate what we knew off the top of our heads, or could figure out from the principles we'd been learning.

LRG, Good Luck! And you're right, we shouldn't need math camp to build the foundations.

LRG, re: the historical perspective: I think the reason it's not done is because so often, the mathematical tools at the time are simply not used any more, and have been replaced. For example, the Greeks knew nearly every truth about number theory, but they knew it all from geometric proofs. The way calculus was once written was so far from how it is written now that it's difficult to connect. No one teaches quarternions anymore at all. etc. etc. there are simply mathematical notations, techniques, and subjects that have gone extinct, and so trying to teach the history doesn't work much since they don't really know how to provide modern context for it. (Even trying to explain why Einstein was able to do General Relativity at the time would require a LOT of explanation of differential geometry, a course almost nonexistent now.)

Anonymous said...

There's too much emphasis being made on 'what' to take relative to 'how' you took it. State standards, textbooks, curricula, etc. have bloated content to a point where kids are grazing subjects not mastering them. This all gets mashed into spiral curricula that disrupts the connections inherent in mathematics.

This shows up when higher level concepts can't penetrate a short term memory that is being overloaded by a lack of automaticity in unmastered supporting concepts.

I'm not a big fan of calculus in high school. I'd far prefer a student that could do Algebra II in their sleep, like a mental math exercise. These are the kids that will 'get' calculus the first time through, whenever it's taken.

Rudbeckia Hirta said...

Not all students benefit from re-taking courses.

I took Calc 3 and Diff. Eq. at Union College.

Dartmouth didn't give me transfer credit for them, so I took Honors Calc 3 and Diff. Eq. at Dartmouth College the next year.

Since I knew enough to get by, I either ignored class by sitting in the back and writing letters to my boyfriend or else I didn't bother to go to class. Didn't learn anything new. I would have been better off taking something I'd never seen before since then I'd have had to do some work.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Allison. Thank you.

These kinds of posts really help us parents with math kids. I have absolutely no idea what my son faces in the future if you guys don't tell me.

This one's a keeper for me.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me, SusanS.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your thoughtful post Allison. If you evaluate the Singapore NEM texts and compare to your new Japanese texts, I would love to read the summary.

SteveH said...

"I'm not a big fan of calculus in high school. I'd far prefer a student that could do Algebra II in their sleep, like a mental math exercise. These are the kids that will 'get' calculus the first time through, whenever it's taken."

This is an interesting point. I would agree, but ... If the school teaches Algebra II poorly, then what do you do? If a child is having difficulty, then by all means, don't speed up math. Get on the AP calculus track, but don't worry about getting to AP calculus. You're better off getting A's and only getting to pre-calculus (or whatever it's called). Unfortunately, most high schools only offer the push track to AP calculus or the track to nowhere.

If you could choose a better (slower, but more rigorous?) math track in high school that left you better prepared for calculus in college, then that might be the way to go. If you don't have this option, and if you do well in math, I see no problem in getting to calculus in high school. Just don't assume that AP really means advanced placement. It just means better prepared than whatever else the high school provides.

I took calculus in high school in the pre-AP days and had to take it over again in college even though I was an 'A' student. I learned a lot more the next time around, and it also gave me more practice in basic skills. I thought it helped a lot.

There is no rush in college. Speed is never a goal. What stops students is the ability to do the material. You're always better off with a better foundation, but the question is how do you get that? For most kids, the AP track will be fine. If your child seems to be advanced, or shows any interest in some of the top 10 (see Allison's list) technical schools, then it will be up to the parents and kids to do more. That might involve summer camps, Math Olympiad, or specialized tutoring. I wouldn't recommend taking college level classes early at the local community college. That money might be better spent on specialized tutoring, if you can find the right person.

My son is a natural(?) in music, but I don't depend on the school system to set expectations or provide enough musical development. He has had private lessons for 5 1/2 years (even through summer) and is going to a summer chamber music camp. He practices at least an hour a day. In a competitive field, it's not good enough to be a natural. At his piano competitions, the kids are predominantly of asian or eastern European descent. They start young and work their butts off.

This might seem very clear to parents of kids who play instruments or sports, but it may not be clear when you look at other subjects. Perhaps it doesn't matter for many subjects because they are not so competitive, but if your child has any kind of talent (and interest) in a subject, then a lot more parental research and planning has to be done.

I find it interesting to see how aggressive (not always in a bad way) US parents can be when it comes to sports (travel teams, multiple leagues, summer camps), but they get all sorts of confused or wimpy when it comes to academics. For the Science Olympiad my son was in, the teacher in charge wanted them to just have fun. No pressure. He didn't even make sure that the kids read and understood the directions for their tasks. Can you imagine a middle school soccer coach that acted like that? Both of these things are options that students want to do, but only one sets high expectations. Some schools do set high expectations for the Science Olympiad and the difference between schools was quite clear at the competition.

After coaching a FIRST Lego League team one year and helping with the Science Olympiad the next, there seemed to be an attitude that it's unfair or not good for the student to provide much parental support. It was a source of conflict between the other robotics coach and myself. He wanted less and I wanted more. Natural learning versus structured learning.

Anonymous said...

For the Science Olympiad my son was in, the teacher in charge wanted them to just have fun. No pressure. He didn't even make sure that the kids read and understood the directions for their tasks.

Some schools do set high expectations for the Science Olympiad and the difference between schools was quite clear at the competition.

Yep. That was our exact experience with Science Olympiad and the math team, as well. There is an aversion to quality coaching, viewed at as hard-core and, thereby, damaging to the young psyche, except at certain schools with excellent reputations.

Academic coaching, like sports, can be done badly, no doubt. Gracious losing and gracious winning should always be a part of competition, but to not have winning as a goal seems to be missing the point.


PaulaV said...

Steve, it's funny you mentioned travel teams. Soccer travel teams are a big thing around here. In fact, our principal refuses to give homework because she would have all the soccer parents breathing down her neck. How's that for expectations?

Parents complained about the awards ceremonies so they did away with them. Too many of the same kids were receiving the awards and it was bothering a few parents. There are no A or AB Honor rolls listed anymore either. Oh, maybe that is because everyone is on this list now.

But, then you go to a Kumon ceremony, and you see all these children receiving medals and trophies. It is great! You are recognized for your hard work! My son received a medal for working one year above grade level. This wouldn't amount to a hill of beans in his school where the emphasis is placed on leveling the playing field.

PaulaV said...

"Gracious losing and gracious winning should always be a part of competition, but to not have winning as a goal seems to be missing the point."

Exactly. However, you have those whiny parents and teachers who refuse to allow competition.

Things might get out of control and someone might just win! Oh, my!

wordsmith said...

"They can't learn the hard parts, because they can't do the simple problem set problems that require them to know some basic high school math....They don't know how to divide fractions....They don't understand what functions are, or what composition of functions means."

Hey - what are you doing with my students :) ? Personally, I blame it on inordinate dependence on the calculator.

Regarding repetition of courses: I took two semesters of calculus in high school, but with a B/C average, I didn't bother trying the AP. Instead, when I went to university I started at the beginning with the calc sequence. Made a lot more sense the second time around, and I wound up majoring in math.

SteveH said...

"There is an aversion to quality coaching, viewed at as hard-core ..."

It's almost as if teaching is viewed as wrong. At the FIRST Lego League competition, you could hear parents grumbling about the teams that did well. Our other robotics coach just wanted the kids to figure it out themselves. That lead to frustration and little learning. I remember painful after-school sessions trying to get the kids (4th and 5th graders) to do anything by themselves. It's not just constructivist, it's a real anti-teaching philosophy of learning. Things changed for our team when some of the parents came in and started organizing and pushing. The other coach saw that the job was getting done AND the kids were learning.

Although the goal should be to have fun while learning, it's much more fun if the coaches help you get the job done and your team can get some medals. At the Science Olympiad, some of our kids got medals, and that made all of the difference. My son wants to do it again next year. Perhaps this is the wrong motivation, but it does work. He is also proud of what he learned.

"..our principal refuses to give homework because she would have all the soccer parents breathing down her neck."

I talked with a teacher at the Catholic middle school which won the state championships (their school has a waiting list) at the Science Olympiad. She told a parent that the other 95% of the kids who aren't going to the competition don't deserve less education just because her child chose to do more.

I can understand that for regular school academics, there is no desire to give awards that may be based more on natural talent than hard work. However, our school has three levels of honor roll awards which contain about 40% of the kids (mostly girls).

Anonymous said...

--- In a competitive field, it's not good enough to be a natural.

If I'd just said this, I could have done away with the 5000 other words I wrote.

That's it entirely. Succinct, true, to the point.

I really wish I could understand why sports coaching is so well respected and established and has yet to be undermined. I wonder why in THIS venue, parents, administrators, etc. accept the requirements, but not in school.

Good sports coaches push their athletes. They train them to improve by ALWAYS working on fundamentals, no matter what else more complicated they need to learn. They demand they step up, finding new challenges. They learn to encourage, give positive feedback, give corrective help immediately, etc.

I mean, it's the perfect model for teaching anyone anything. Why isn't it the model for academics? Heck, why is it even ALLOWED in high school?

Tracy W said...

In NZ, I had had about three years of calculus in high school, starting at fifteen and repeating (calculus was just part of maths classes until the last year, when you could do maths with calculus and/or maths with statistics).

Although I do remember gemoetric proofs worrying me somewhat - no simple formulae to be applied. And I only really grasped why setting the differential to zero worked in 7th form - third time through. (The school had tried to explain it, but I didn't understand it, it was just a surprising magic trick until it all somehow settled in my brain).

Anonymous said...

"I really wish I could understand why sports coaching is so well respected and established and has yet to be undermined."

Because in sports, poor coaching has an immediate negative result. It is very easy to tell if a team is playing well (not always so easy to know what to do if it *isn't*). We've been making it harder and harder to tell if learning has taken place for a long time. It is easy to jigger the tests for academic subjects. Changing a sport so that there isn't a score is too blatant ... one couldn't do it without it being very obvious.

-Mark Roulo

Liz Ditz said...

Constructivism in athletic coaching--see this post.

Anonymous said...

Sports have scores that are immediate and have consequence.

Academics have grades that are delayed with no consequence.

Makes ya' go hmmmmmm!

{ He said, holding DI in one hand and constructivism in the other while making waving motions like a balance beam scale.}

Anonymous said...

So if parents were allowed to see their kids failing their homework, no one would stand for it?

Are we sure? Parents are willing to malign teachers, demand retests, rescores, etc. Don't they do that in sports, too? Do they simply not get anywhere if they do that in sports? Or is it that the 3rd party (the referee) takes the abuse?

I guess I think the answer is a bit more market-driven. Sports leads people to get to college and make the college money. The college can't afford to take the losers, but they don't seem to mind taking the academic losers, as those poor sods pay the same tuition as everyone else.

Mark Roulo said...

"So if parents were allowed to see their kids failing their homework, no one would stand for it?"

I'm thinking more like if each school gave an academic test at the end of the year that the parents thought mattered, there would be less tolerance for schools that kept coming in at the bottom.

This might be wishful thinking ... we sorta get this with things like TIMMS (TIMSS?) and most Americans are either unaware of the results or shrug them off.

Hmmmm ... a simpler explanation: As a country we care about sports, but don't care about learning. Maybe that explains it ...

-Mark Roulo

Anonymous said...

My comments about immediate results and consequence were more directed at the kids than the parents. Frankly, in my district there's little hope of engaging enough parents to make a difference. We need to engage kids first.

Kids need to know that the choices they make have consequences. And, the consequence has to be realistically connected to the observed action (that means fast and obvious). Our highest stake testing is MCAS (Massachusetts) and the results have zero consequence to kids. The results are used to measure schools instead.

Imagine a sports game where you work your butt off and the score gets posted 5 months after you played the game. Then it's used to determine how much paint is put on the stadium 2 or 3 years after that.

You don't have to be a rocket scientest in training to see that the high stake testing is not your high stake. Likewise, in my district you have to be a serial killer to be retained (kidding)so other tests are similarly inconsequential. Seriously, kids care far more about the result of a math game, where the prize is a pat on the back, than any of the grades they get.

SteveH said...

"As a country we care about sports, but don't care about learning. Maybe that explains it ..."

I think we care about what we know well. If coaches talked about constructivism, most parents would not buy it. There are clearly defined goals in sports that can't be glossed over with talk of conceptual understanding.

We've talked about music versus art in the past. When someone doesn't play an instrument well, everyone knows it. You can't fake it. Art? Well, I was watching something on TV a while back about an artist setting up an exhibition in NYC that showcased his completely white paintings. I watched it for quite some time to see if it was a joke.

My original comments about sports versus academics has to do with educated parents. They care very much about academics, but the goals are not clearly defined in their heads. They seem to stop thinking straight and defer quite a bit to the philosophy of the schools. What are parents to think when educators promote ideas which are quite foreign to them. When parents raise issues, schools say that they only want what they had when they were growing up. Coaches can't do that when they keep losing.

I see parents who will push and work with their kids in sports, but wimp out completely when it comes to academics. They treat academics as something that's magically different and they don't dare try to do anything or else they will screw things up. I would go so far as to say that schools promote this fear and uncertainty in parents. I've talked about my experiences with preemptive parental strikes for years. Teachers treat me like I know squat about teaching and learning. I'll always remember when my son's first grade teacher told us that "Yes, he (our son) has a lot of superficial knowledge."

Math nights are all about schools telling parents not to trust what they really know. They are about telling parents that they are incapable of figuring out left from right. It makes me think of a cult-like brainwashing.

I still remember the first grade teacher telling us (engineers, doctors, lawyers sitting in little kids chairs) in her teacher voice about why it's important for little Johnnie and Suzie to write down why 2 + 2 = 4. Schools tell us that the score doesn't matter and that they are the experts. Some buy it, some go to other schools, and some keep quiet and deal with it. It may look like not caring, but it's really something else.

When the report card comes home, most all parents care, but they've been well prepared by the schools. This is the way it is. Grades are the responsibility of the child and parents. What if a coach told the players that poor results were their own responsibility. Then he has them break into groups during practice to figure out for themselves how to practice. Why not just hire a stuffed dummy for a coach or a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Face it. Many parents, themselves, are not prepared to coach their kids in academics. If Johnny sucks at catching balls, dad takes him out back and tosses balls at him. If Johnny sucks at math, dad yells at him to raise his grade, takes away the video game for a week, and watches the ball game on TV.

That's if he cares enough to address it all. If he comes to the parent conference. If he doesn't blame the school. If If If, lots of if.

It's intriguing to me that in all the most respected endeavors that humans participate in, competition, relentless practice, and direct instruction reign. Oh, one exception to that, education where we impart the skills that (presumably at least) make all others possible. Hmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Paul b, I think there is more to it. We seem to have many poor teachers and gatekeepers who are denying children the opportunities for an education via the way middle school is set up. Neither the children or their parents are able to find out all the criteria for honors classes, or for curriculum or for grading in particular classes. (Last year they couldn't even tell 6th graders what the honor roll criteria was until the semester ended.) Counselors routinely tell everyone that teams are homogenous and picked by 'learning style' when observation shows otherwise. The classes themselves are full of rote memorization demands rather than thinking demands. The ability to read critically is not expected outside of the honors English class. There is no one earning an A in any class in the honors track that is not privately tutored..any one being considered for honors has to have a '4' on the state exams to keep that placement for the following year, even if the material was omitted in school. The only children that are succeeding are those that found elementary difficult and developed good study skills. Everyone else is kicked out of meaty classes before they can get their study and organization skills in place.It's headbanging, and I can certainly understand why sixthgraders give up.

And if anyone is looking for a make your own flashcard program, is helpful.

SteveH said...

"It's intriguing to me that in all the most respected endeavors that humans participate in, competition, relentless practice, and direct instruction reign."

This is a good way to put it.

The problem with sports is the emphasis on competition. In our town, it's all over by age 11 if you don't make the cut. It's all or nothing. For school, kids (should) have opportunities like the Science or Math Olympiads if they like competition. But the relentless practice and direct instruction used by the best don't become meaningless for the rest of the students. My son gets fuzzy, hands-on learning in his science class, but for his Science Olympiad task on anatomy, he had to directly learn and study about the circulatory and nervous system. This was not thematic play learning. This was dive right in and get to work type learning.

No one ever says that TERC or Everyday Math is more rigorous than Singapore or Saxon Math. The curriculum head and my son's old school liked Singapore Math, but thought that EM was better for their mix of kids. This is a matter of high expectations versus low expectations.

SteveH said...

"That's if he cares enough to address it all. If he comes to the parent conference. If he doesn't blame the school. If If If, lots of if"

We all know about ignorant parents, but the role of education is to produce results even if parents don't care, especially when the state tests are so simple. KTM approaches the problem from a different angle. We are parents who do care a lot, work very hard (at the kitchen table) to help our kids, but still run into big competence, philosophical, and structural problems with our schools.

Many parents don't have a clue about how to help their kids in math. They look at something like TERC and just shake their heads. Schools can't have it both ways. They can't complain that parents only want what they had when they were growing up, but then expect parents to help kids with their math homework. It's hard to go out in the backyard to toss math around if the school says that you don't know what you're doing.

Tracy W said...

Face it. Many parents, themselves, are not prepared to coach their kids in academics. If Johnny sucks at catching balls, dad takes him out back and tosses balls at him. If Johnny sucks at math, dad yells at him to raise his grade, takes away the video game for a week, and watches the ball game on TV.
That's if he cares enough to address it all. If he comes to the parent conference. If he doesn't blame the school. If If If, lots of if.

My Dad would try to tutor me in maths. He has degrees in chemistry and economics, and heaps of maths background. He was hopeless at tutoring. Spoke at way too high a level, and kept getting distracted by graduate-level problems in his old textbooks. (He did teach me how to ride a bike and was a very involved parent generally).

My mum has a maths phobia, due to bombing out of maths grandly at age 15. She however is an ex-high school teacher, with a number of friends who were ex-high school maths teachers, so I got quite good tutoring.

From my Dad I learnt there is a lot more to effective teaching than knowing the material.

Anonymous said...

--there is a lot more to effective teaching than knowing the material.

Absolutely. This goes back to the issue of coaching: good coaches aren't merely good athletes or players. They know about motivation, positive reinforcement, and the value of hard work. The "good athletes" are another form of "naturals"--and without discipline in the form of coaching, they don't make it to the top, no matter what their innate abilities. The coaches know how to drill, how to push, how to raise the bar, how to reinforce, how to motivate, how to analyze the failures and grasp a weakness that can be changed/exploited.

Catherine Johnson said...

If you could choose a better (slower, but more rigorous?) math track in high school that left you better prepared for calculus in college, then that might be the way to go. If you don't have this option, and if you do well in math,

Haven't read the thread yet (obviously) ... but thought I'd add that this is more or less the conclusion I've reached.

I'd been operating on the assumption that it would be good for C. to take AP calculus in high school & then re-take in college.

I still think that would be good but in fact if my choice came down to ROCK SOLID algebra 2 versus whipping through 4 years of high school math so as to top out at calculus I'd opt for the rock solid algebra.

Interestingly, C's new school, which is a boys' school, does not offer AP calculus BC. I don't know what to make of that -- but I wonder whether the thinking has to do with making sure students really know what's taught. (I'll ask obviously as soon as I have a chance. We did the apply-to-private-school thing in such a big rush that we missed all the open houses & tours and whatnot.)

which was a tad scandalous

Catherine Johnson said...

The other possibility is that the school has the real math stars take calculus at the university it's affiliated with instead of at the school. That would mean they wouldn't have to pay for a second AP calculus course. (They operate on a very tight budget.)

Either way, I frankly am fine with having BC calculus taken off my "plate."

And off of C's.

le radical galoisien said...

My school doesn't have BC either ...