kitchen table math, the sequel: as I was saying

Thursday, November 13, 2008

as I was saying

Just last week, at the school board meeting, I pointed out that while our kids are constructing their own meaning-slash-knowledge at school, parents are hiring tutors to provide direct instruction at home.

And here it is!

Weapons of Math Destruction


Niels Henrik Abel said...

Sad, but true - there's gold in them thar hills. Build a better mousetrap, and all that stuff.

SteveH said...

The public school teachers who tutor on the side don't use constructivism.

concernedCTparent said...

The public school teachers who tutor on the side don't use constructivism.

Not when they're tutoring on the side, anyway. When they're in class, however, it may just be a different story.

Catherine Johnson said...


When public school teachers tutor, they use direct instruction.
