kitchen table math, the sequel: advertisements for myself, part 2

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

advertisements for myself, part 2

But to remark that “Animals Make Us Human” is a slightly lesser book than “Animals in Translation” is like saying Randy Newman's “Good Old Boys” is a slightly lesser album than “Sail Away.” If you liked the first one, you’re going to like the second.

The Joys and Pains of Being an Animal


I'm having a very good week.

Ed and I heard Temple speak at the 92nd Street Y last night. She was wonderful. Her mom was there, too. She's 80 years old, I believe, and she told us she's speaking to parents of children with autism all over the country. She'd taken the bus in freezing snow and slush to come see Temple.

That was a funny autism thing.

I had wangled free tickets by asking Temple to get them for me, but I didn't ask for anything else, so Ed and I went early and stood at the front of the line so we'd get good seats. When the lady standing behind us found out I was Temple's coauthor, she asked why we weren't already inside.

Why we weren't already inside was: Temple is autistic & doesn't think of these things, & I'm so used to autistic people that it doesn't occur to me to think of them, either.

Meanwhile Temple's mom had taken the bus in freezing snow & slush and bought her own ticket. When she got there someone was aghast that Temple's mom had purchased a $27 ticket to hear her own daughter, so they told her she could have a free ticket to something else at the Y, an offer she snapped right up.

She told us something interesting.

She said the Bettelheim era hadn't affected her because she lived in Boston and everyone was a Calvinist. They didn't believe in Freud, and they didn't get on the couch.

The Creation of Dr. B by Richard Pollack


Anonymous said...

Oh goodie, an appropriate story onto which to graft a reference to this Discover article:

Think Animals Don't Think Like Us? Think Again

One extraordinary parrot helped shatter our preconceptions about animal intelligence.

Ben Calvin said...

Got the book from Amazon. Wife immediately snapped it up so I've only been able to read a couple of pages over her shoulder. Good thing I'm well entrenched in Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
by Samuel Eliot Morison

Catherine Johnson said...

Oh thanks for that link!

I'm an Alex-the-parrot obsessive, if that's possible.

Catherine Johnson said...

That Damn Bird