kitchen table math, the sequel: Learn about Singapore Math from the source

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Learn about Singapore Math from the source

Two summers ago, I attended an awesome summer program in Singapore visiting primary & secondary schools, the National Teacher Institute and meeting with the publishers of the curriculum (the one available here in the U.S.). There is so much more that makes Singapore mathematics teaching successful than just the books. I was so glad to be able to bring that knowledge back to my school!

Great news - Organizers of that trip have planned summer program for this July. The itinerary and registration information are available from SMath Resources.

There is no better way to learn about Singapore Math than seeing it from the source. Of particular interest this summer: Meeting with the Singapore Examination and Assessment Board. They have created an international PSLE (Primary School Leaving Exam). Should be interesting to see how it compares to other international assessments.

Best of all, the program will be led by Dr. Patsy Wang-Iverson, a KTM contributor (and leading authority on Singapore Math and lesson study!). I'm thrilled to be helping Patsy with the program and returning to Singapore.

Highlights from the 2007 program are available on this site (keywords Cassyt, Singapore Math) and at Math in Singapore 2007.

1 comment:

Catherine Johnson said...

That's incredibly exciting!

Will we be able to see the leaving exam here in this country?