kitchen table math, the sequel: place value makes the "short list"

Friday, June 22, 2007

place value makes the "short list"

cross-posted to Beyond TERC:

terrific post on place value:

Place value is one of those things non-mathematically trained grownups tend to take for granted (at least, I did).

The Singapore Math series teaches place value year after year. Singapore Math has a "true" spiral curriculum in that kids learn to mastery in year one, then study the same topic in more depth in year two and master that material, too, then study the same topic in still greater depth in year three and, again, master the material. Place value is one of the spiraled topics.

I didn't quite understand this, even though Christopher's brilliant 5th grade teacher (I don't use the term "brilliant" lightly) told me how important the topic was. She said she'd asked her friend, who had a Ph.D. in math education, what were the most essential & fundamental topics for K-5 kids to master.

He said "place value."

I wish I could remember what Ed said about it the other day. We were talking about some "guess and check" problem-solving situation that was supposed to be a model of higher order thinking.

Ed said, "The way these kids are solving the problem shows they don't understand place value, and if they don't understand place value they don't have conceptual understanding."

One of the things that would be SOOOO helpful to parents like me (to most parents, that is) would be to have a list of the CORE topics you MUST make sure your child knows.

For instance, the other day Vicky said that decimals aren't as important as fractions.

I sort-of knew that already, but only because I've spent 2 1/2 years of my life immersed in K-12 math & math education. But, otoh, I didn't know it with conviction.

Most parents can't teach math on the side; even parents who have the capability to teach math on the side are going to find that their kids won't cooperate past the age of 10. (You can still teach a middle school child on the side - I've done it - but the amount of time you have to spend wrangling with them to get their attention steeply reduces the amount of time on task.)

What we need is a short list of THE essential skills our kids MUST have.

My list, so far, is:

  • fractions
  • place value
  • long division
  • measurement

from Lynn:
  • automatic recall of basic facts

from independent george:
  • order of operations
  • properties of arithmetic

from instructivist:

  • In addition to total mastery of math facts, I would put equivalent fractions on top of the list. Equivalent fractions directly leads to an understanding of proportions, percentages and all the other good stuff (scaling, unit rates...)

from Mr. Person:

I've had a list for a long time of core concepts/skills that are emphasized at each grade level.

1: Place Value
2: Addition/Subtraction Facts
3: Multiplication/Division Facts
4: All operations with whole numbers
5: All operations with fractions
6: Ratios and proportions

from Susan J:


Common sense. (Such as if you subtract a positive number the result should be smaller.)

[question: do the reform math programs do a decent job with estimation and common sense? do we know?]

update: it strikes me that the list already exists. It's the TOC for the Primary Mathematics series.

I'll pull it & post.


LynnG said...

Automatic Recall of all Basic Math Facts

You just can't repeat that one too often.

Especially when middle schoolers still stumble on these. They just have to be past the point where they have to think about how many times 7 will go into 56.

Catherine Johnson said...

I'll put that on the list

Independent George said...

Order of operations
Properties of arithmetic

Instructivist said...

In addition to total mastery of math facts, I would put equivalent fractions on top of the list. Equivalent fractions directly leads to an understanding of proportions, percentages and all the other good stuff (scaling, unit rates...)

Barry Garelick said...

No need to reinvent things here: the California framework for math content standards was based on Singapore and Japan and gives a great listing with examples of what needs to be taught and when. Go to

Unknown said...

I probably don't want to know the answer to this, but do kids even learn the English measurement system anymore? Do they know how many inches are in a foot, and so forth, or do they have to look it up?

Barry Garelick said...

Well, Blogger did it to me again and truncated the URL. Just go to
and then you'll see a link to "Complete Mathematics Framework", which is a PDF file. Click on that and it'll bring up the file which is 4.2 MB.

Independent George said...

No need to reinvent things here: the California framework for math content standards was based on Singapore and Japan and gives a great listing with examples of what needs to be taught and when.

But Barry - if we don't construct our own meaning, how will we truly gain the higher-order critical thinking needed for the 21st century? Don't you care about the children?

Barry Garelick said...

But Barry - if we don't construct our own meaning, how will we truly gain the higher-order critical thinking needed for the 21st century? Don't you care about the children?

Give me a minute to construct meaning to what you just said. I'll get back to you.

Unknown said...

I've had a list for a long time of core concepts/skills that are emphasized at each grade level.

1: Place Value
2: Addition/Subtraction Facts
3: Multiplication/Division Facts
4: All operations with whole numbers
5: All operations with fractions
6: Ratios and proportions

Me said...


Common sense. (Such as if you subtract a positive number the result should be smaller.)

Catherine Johnson said...


re: English measurement - that was the big shock to me back when C. was in 5th grade

he did badly on "measurement" on the TONYSS (Test of New York State Standards, now abandoned for the annual NCLB tests)

I didn't even know what "measurement" meant - again, because I take English measurement for granted.

Then one of the teachers who was writing comments (a 5th grade teacher) told me that measurement isn't simple for a fifth grader!

Kids all over NY state were scoring poorly on measurement.

Catherine Johnson said...

Barry - Thanks for posting that link.

I had looked at the Framework just the other day, and I came away thinking it was incomprehensible to a parent.... so now I'm confused. (More synthroid, please!)

I'm wondering if I was looking at a different document?

Actually, I'm looking at Grade One - let me look at Grade 7 and see if I understand what they've written there.

Catherine Johnson said...


It's pretty understandable.


I'm losing it.

The examples make everything clear.

Catherine Johnson said...

I'm looking through the document - I think the problem is that I was looking at sections that were more abstractly worded. The Adobe Acrobat TOC is confusing.

Place to look is Chapter two.

VickyS said...

Common sense. (Such as if you subtract a positive number the result should be smaller.)

Very important. I call this "standing back and looking at your answer" to see if it makes sense (works with order of magnitude, too).

Funny though; given the goals of reform math, you'd think kids who are products of this program would excel at this.

Catherine Johnson said...

standing back and looking at your answer

I'm going to use that phrase.

Christopher still isn't good on this.