kitchen table math, the sequel: Paolo Freire at Core Knowledge

Friday, May 1, 2009

Paolo Freire at Core Knowledge

Mention the name Paolo Freire at a gathering of educated people and you’re likely to get blank stares. Unless members of that group went to ed school, where the Brazilian theorist is nothing less than a rock star, and his 1970 book Pedagogy of the Opressed is part of the canon.

Freire is Foul and Foul is Freire

Who is Paulo Freire?

1 comment:

SteveH said...

"where the Brazilian theorist is nothing less than a rock star"

Is this true? Do educators still pull that oppression rabbit out of the bag? I never hear that around here.

Perhaps it just manifests itself as the "guide on the side". I've argued that many educators don't really care about discovery or constructivism. All they really care about is mixed-ability student-centered group learning in the classroom. Discovery gives them the pedagogical cover to do that in spite of the fact that individual discovery with homework would be more effective.