Bubbling errors!
I bubble in the wrong bubble!
Today I bubbled in TWO wrong bubbles! On reading for Pete's sake.
How does that happen?
It's not like I'm racing for time; I finish reading sections several minutes early. (And, yes, I do see that the obvious answer is: stop finishing several minutes early. But I thought I had stopped.)
The good news is that I managed to complete every question in Section 8 (Math), Text 6 on page 729-733 of the Blue Book, and I only missed one: number 14. Number 14 is rated "hard" but I missed it because of a dumb mistake, which I think is a good sign.
Number 14 is one of the problems I'm supposed to skip according to my SAT Game Plan
I've started to bond with the New Math SAT Game Plan. I think I'm liking it, AND, I think it's helping.
And btw, on the real SAT....I made a major bubble blunder. I filled in about 10 bubbles of the WRONG SECTION. I went back and tried to fix but was rushed and have no idea if I did it correctly.
And of course, now I come to find out that the SAT never gives you back the actual test, so I will never get to know if I fixed the problem. Somehow I doubt I did.
Note to self for next Sat.: "careful with the Bubbles"
In eighth grade, while taking the Iowa Basics test (I think), I started a new section of the test bubbling the wrong block of bubbles. I only realized it when I ran out of bubbles near the end.
oops indeed----
I made ANOTHER bubbling error today.
SOOOO frustrating.
otoh, I'm exhausted -- didn't get to bed 'til late -- and semi-under the weather
Apparently, when you're exhausted and semi under the weather, it is not possible to recognize congruent triangles.
Especially when they are NOT DRAWN TO SCALE.
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