kitchen table math, the sequel: fun in the sun

Monday, September 24, 2007

fun in the sun

I am back from Cape May, sporting my second sunburn of September.

Cape May was a blast. Wonderful! Wonderful, except for the slim, pretty young woman with the unplaceable accent at the check-out desk, who, when I told her I'd left my pillow behind, said, "It's not my fault you left your pillow in the room," and then, when I asked whether there was a manager around, smirked, called out, "Mark! Do you want to speak to the customer?" and snickered.

Carol Villa Hotel

Write that down.

Actually, the snickering part was arresting, in its way.

When's the last time you heard someone snicker?

High school?

Mark didn't seem too torn up about the whole thing, I must say.

fun in the sun
on the beach
also on the beach

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