kitchen table math, the sequel: Debbie Stier on online learning

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Debbie Stier on online learning

Here’s What’s Wrong With Online Learning: Kaplan, A Case Study


LynnG said...

I don't know how you could stay focused and motivated with all of those issues. If this is the norm for online course work, I can tell it would be a problem for many.

Debbie Stier said...

I've tried 3 online courses. This was the worst -- but the other two were similarly frustrating.

I'm looking forward to trying Grockit, which I'll begin on May 1. They seem like they could have it together.

Crimson Wife said...

My online course experiences at UCLA Extension and Northeastern weren't anything like that. I had to take some accounting classes for my old job and they were fine. At least as good as the local CC and WAY more convenient.

Matthew K. Tabor said...


You're right about all the faults of the Kaplan course -- I'm surprised that such a big outfit hasn't done more troubleshooting. Hopefully they will after reading your piece.

But let's be honest about this - you took an amateurish, poorly-designed course and used it as a prime example of why you oppose online learning.

What's the value in that? It might make for good branding for the PSP, or generate some comments, but it's as 'straw man' as it gets.