kitchen table math, the sequel: Let me introduce myself: Exo

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Let me introduce myself: Exo

Let me introduce myself - I'm Exo.
Catherine was very kind to invite me to blog on KTM, the blog I read and comment on quite often. Thanks, Catherine.

I live and teach in Brooklyn, NY. I came to the US 7 years ago -seems like a century now.

Since my education experiences are all pretty fresh in my memory, and I still follow the trends in Russian education system, I will try to provide some insights on the education abroad comparing it to the education in the US public schools.
I am not promising you a lot of official data, rather some personal experience in both systems of education: I went to a soviet grade school (10 years) and graduated from a vet school there, then graduated from a college here, landed a job in a middle school as a science teacher, and my son is in Kindergarten in a public school. ( And, as most parents, I re-teach him at home!)

Truly yours,


Catherine Johnson said...

This is VERY exciting -- thank you so much for joining.

I'll try to find the essays written by the Russian mathematician concerning math instruction for mathematically inclined children in Russia.

I never got around to posting it, and it's fascinating material.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Exo,

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on what you observe here.

BeckyC said...

Welcome to KTM, Exo! I appreciated your contributions to the comments at the Edspresso reading instruction debate.

Exo said...

Thank you all.