kitchen table math, the sequel: my life and welcome to it, part deux

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

my life and welcome to it, part deux

Yesterday I spent 4 hours helping C. with algebra.


8 am to noon.

I also took copious notes on my AlphaSmart.

Then I forgot all about the AlphaSmart and left it sitting on the kitchen table where Andrew could get at it.

Notes gone today.

On the bright side, Chris is getting pretty good at distance problems.

Also at coin problems, consecutive integer problems, number word problems, and age problems, all of which he "learned" last week.

update: AlphaSmart


LynnG said...

What is AlphaSmart?

(And what did Andrew do to it?)

Catherine Johnson said...

AlphaSmarts are a fabulous little keyboard with primitive file capacity.

Andrew knows how to erase the files, so he does.

Four hours of notes.

I'm SOOOO frustrated.

LynnG said...

Who taught Andrew to erase files?

I remember the day my littlest kid learned to tell time -- How annoying! When it's winter, I could tell her it was bedtime whenever I got tired. This whole telling time thing is over-rated.

Catherine Johnson said...

He probably taught himself.

He teaches himself a lot of things; he taught himself to surf the internet, I'm pretty sure, unless his teacher taught him at school.

He knows how to use the History listing, too.

Erasing a file is easy, though; it's just one button.

He erases files on purpose.