kitchen table math, the sequel: now what?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

now what?

oh for pete's sake

so yesterday, after repeatedly following the jury service directions to the letter (You must call the recorded message before traveling to the courthouse [boldface & italics in the original]) and receiving no message at all as late as midnight last night, I think it was....

I concluded there was no reason for me to carry on calling The Recorded Message, seeing as how it was no longer The Weekend Or Evening Before You Are Scheduled To Appear.

I figured: ok, I'll call again tomorrow, after 5pm.

I just did.

The Recorded Message tells me to appear in court today, Tuesday, at 11:30 am.

I don't think I'm going to make it.


Any thoughts about what to do tomorrow?


Jury Duty or Jail?

Sadly, jury duty or jail is no longer a choice, seeing as how I have failed to select Door Number One.

I guess it's going to be jail, then.

If they'll put me in federal prison, I'll go quietly.* State prison, no. I will have to flee to Canada.

* I have this on the authority of my sister-in-law, the federal prosecutor, who said, just this weekend, "federal time is time you and I could do."


Anonymous said...

Uh oh.

Can you have a laptop in jail?

I mean the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer too.

Karen A said...

"Can you have a laptop in jail?"

Oh my gosh--that's what I was thinking,too.

Anonymous said...

Just think what a little prison time would do for your "street cred".

Catherine Johnson said...

Just think what a little prison time would do for your "street cred".



It works!

Catherine Johnson said...

Do you think I could get a syllabus for my kid's math class if I were a convicted felon?

Anonymous said...

Do you think I could get a syllabus for my kid's math class if I were a convicted felon?

That's probably the only way.