kitchen table math, the sequel: national standards

Thursday, June 10, 2010

national standards

Jay Greene:
But perhaps the strongest objection to national standards that we have repeated at JPGB (here, here, and here) is that even if the current set of proposed national standards is an improvement for some states (and less good than others), there is strong reason to fear that people opposed to sensible, rigorous standards will gain control over the newly created national standards infrastructure and be in a position to impose their nonsense on everyone. Remember that teacher unions, ed schools, and other opponents of tough standards that might expose the shortcomings of schools and teachers are much better organized and politically powerful than anyone else in education politics. Over time they will gain control of the machinery of national standards even if they do not control it now.

National Standards Nonsense Redux

And Neal McCluskey:
....Which brings us to a whole different layer of policy making, one major media wade into even less often than legislating: writing regulations. How many stories have you read, or watched on TV news, about the writing of regulations for implementing anything, education or otherwise? I’d imagine precious few, yet this is where often vaguely written statutes are transformed into on-the-ground operations. It’s also where the special interests are almost always represented — after all, they’re the ones who will be regulated — but average taxpayers and citizens? Don’t go looking for them.

Plowing Through the Defenses of National Education Standards

Until parents have a union - an organized presence, inside the political arena, as parents - national standards are going to be controlled by the organized entities that control things now: ed schools and teacher unions.

I'm pretty sure.

1 comment:

SteveH said...

In terms of standards, I see one standard for K-8 and two standards for high school. In high school, kids divide into those driven by SAT/ACT, GPA, honors classes, and AP classes, and those who are concerned with getting the required credits, doing the state mandated portfolio, and meeting the minimum proficiency cutoff on the state test. Nobody confuses the two standards. The advanced students don't care one bit about the state test.

In K-8, there is no advanced standard. There is only the low proficiency cutoff, but there IS confusion (misrepresentation) about the quality of that standard. So many times I hear that these standards are enough for even the best students. Ergo, KTM.

In spite of the fact that schools are now including many more low end students into a full-inclusion environment, they still think it can have it both ways. It's easy to show that most state standards in math will not properly prepare students to get to algebra in 8th grade. Schools don't seem to care about this.