kitchen table math, the sequel: what happened to h?

Monday, July 26, 2010

what happened to h?

from Practical Math: Success in 20 Minutes a Day, page 2
42. Maria works at a clothing store as a sales associate, making d dollars every hour, plus 20% commission on whatever she sells. If she works h hours and sells a total of s dollars of clothing, what will her pay for that day be?

a. d + 20
b. d + 0.20s
c. ds + 0.20
d. d + 20s


Michael Weiss said...

The correct answer is d*h + 0.20s. I'm guessing there's a typo in the set of answer choices.

Glen said...

Yes, dh + 0.2s (or some equivalent)

The correct answer is not in the list, for whatever reason.

Crimson Wife said...

Definitely a typo. I'm guessing the answer is supposed to be (b) but somehow the "h" got deleted.

Catherine Johnson said...

That's what I thought!

Thank you!