kitchen table math, the sequel: let's not and say we did, part 3

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

let's not and say we did, part 3

My copy of the Harvard Education Letter arrived in the mail yesterday:
These days, everyone is trying to get students to think about their own thinking--and take that thinking to a higher level. To do this, educators are urging teachers to help students teach--and even assess--each other, since the success of so-called student-centered instruction is predicated on getting students to collaborate and take charge of their own learning.
Like Teacher, Like Student
by Dave Saltman
Harvard Education Letter
January | February 2011
p. 4

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of this in my district now that our curriculum department will once again have a full-time curriculum director.


Catherine Johnson said...

note: curriculum department

not just: curriculum dirctor

for a district with 1799 kids and dropping

GoogleMaster said...

The entire Irvington district has fewer than 2000 kids and it needs a superintendent making $175K? Most of our high schools have more than that; I think the average HS around herein our suburban districts has about 3000 students. The urban HSs are smaller.

Catherine Johnson said...

Our superintendent is earning way more than $175K.

I think she's around $260, not including benefits.

Catherine Johnson said...

We are in deep, deep trouble.

Anonymous said...

The worst thing for Irvington is that in the end, Irvington is going to run out of money.

And all of the other little towns right next to it on the river and in your county will too, all at the same time.

And you will then be FORCED into all being one district, whether you like it or not, and the cuts made to finance that will be made across the board rather than targeted by value, because across-the-board is the coward's solution to the problem, and no one is going to look and see what had value and what didn't. In a crisis, they'll just blanket-cut everything.

And Irvington will lose everything that made it Irvington, and it will have done so even by its own choices.

ChemProf said...

Could be worse, I suppose. I was arguing with my mother the other day about school funding. She is convinced that California will just have to increase tax rates to fund education, based on the money she gets for classroom supplies (discretionary money, not textbooks, etc.) However, when pressed, she admitted that the superintendent in her small district makes over 300K a year (before benefits). Can't possibly be that they aren't making good use of the money, can it?

Crimson Wife said...

But the New York Times runs misleading, fear-mongering stories like this one about the alleged evils of Asian math...