kitchen table math, the sequel: Bong hits for bad op ed writers

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bong hits for bad op ed writers

I have to do this.

Because of the Tinker case in 1969, much of the cultural disarray of the past 35 years flowed out of schools and into society. Teachers today will tell you their discipline problems start at home.

This passage stands as a logic flopperoo of the first order.

(Well, possibly not the first order. I'm beginning to think that honor goes to David Brooks.)

Number one, let's agree that we've had 35 years of cultural disarray preceded by, apparently, cultural array.

Were teachers exempt from those 35 years of cultural disarray?

Were schools exempt?

Did 35 years of cultural disarray happen exclusively inside family homes and only then move outside the family home to schools and teachers?

And, uh, didn't the Tinker case happen outside the family home, in the schools & the courts?

I have to stop reading op-eds.

what can the federal government do about parents?
Bong hits for bad parents
Bong hits for bad op ed writers

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