kitchen table math, the sequel: KIPP report card

Friday, May 11, 2007

KIPP report card

Fordham reports that --

Because most KIPP schools are still quite young, long-term longitudinal data are available for just 27 of them, but students in those institutions have on average gained 24 percentile points in reading and 39 percentile points in math over three years.

Now I need to know the comparison figures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of KIPP, NPR is doing a series on New Orleans schools and their effort to recover post-Katrina. The transcript from part one of the series has this gem:

Last September, the fifth graders — nearly all from low-income families — were struggling with basic addition. Now, their teacher, Scarlet Feinberg, has every student multiplying and reducing fractions at rocket speed.

"We have almost every single fifth-grader doing a hundred multiplication facts in three minutes," Feinberg says.