kitchen table math, the sequel: re: hiring a new superintendent

Thursday, June 21, 2007

re: hiring a new superintendent

This comes from Thinking Out Loud, an attorney for the school board association in another state (not CT, NY, or NJ):

What the community should be asking [the school board] is process questions:

  • HOW are you going to go about doing a superintendent search?
  • HOW are you going to involve the community?
  • What is the vision of the board for this school district?
  • What steps has the board taken to see if the board's vision for the school district is the same as the community and staff's vision for the school district?
  • How will these visions be reconciled into a comprehensive vision that works for all players?
  • What would the characteristics be of the right leader to make the vision happen?

superintendent to retire
re: hiring a new superintendent
why was the budget defeated? (student study)


LynnG said...

These are great ideas. My ever supportive husband burst out laughing when I suggested maybe somebody would let me be on the committee.

I can see the answer to #4 now What steps has the board taken to see if the board's vision for the school district is the sae as the community and staff's vision for the school district?

Answer: Duh. They elected us.

Catherine Johnson said...

These questions are from THE attorney for the state school board association in another state....I bet he/she would be willing to have you use her name off list....

LynnG said...

I'd be thrilled.

You know, I have the name and # of the attorney for CABE (CT Assoc of Bds of Ed). Hmmmmm.